"use strict";

import inflect from "inflect";

import { JSONSerializer } from "./serializers";
import Route from "./route";
import { getOwner, setOwner } from "./containment";

const METHODS = {
  DELETE: "delete"
const restActionMapper = new Map([
  ["index", "get"],
  ["show", "get"],
  ["create", "post"],
  ["update", "put"],
  ["destroy", "del"]
const restPathMapper = new Map([
  ["index", "/"],
  ["show", "/:id"],
  ["create", "/"],
  ["update", "/:id"],
  ["destroy", "/:id"]

 * Manages routing
 * @class Router
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} registry {{#crossLink "Registry"}}module registry{{/crossLink}}
class Router {
  constructor(registry) {
    setOwner(this, registry);

    const config = registry.lookup("config:main");

     * Contains the model and controller {{#crossLink "Loader"}}loaders{{/crossLink}}
     * @property loader
     * @type {Object}
    this.loader = {
      controllers: registry.lookup("loader:controller"),
      models: registry.lookup("service:model-manager").models

     * An optional namespace to place before all routes (e.g. /v1)
     * @property namespacePrefix
     * @type {String}
    this.namespacePrefix = config.namespace || "";

   * Bind a set of routes to a namespace.
   * Uses {{#crossLink "Router/_buildRoute:method"}}_buildRoute{{/crossLink}} to
   * normalize the path
   * @method namespace
   * @param {String} namespace the namespace to bind to, with or without leading slash
   * @param {Object[]} routes array of routes to bind to the namespace
   * @since 0.9.0
   * @example
   * ```javascript
   * () {
   *   this.namespace("/users/:userId", [
   *     { path: "/setProfileImage", using: "user:setImage", method: "post" }
   *   ])
   * });
   * ```
  namespace(namespace, routes) {
    for (const route of routes) {
      const fullPath = this._buildRoute(

      this.route(fullPath, {
        using: route.using,
        method: route.method

   * Register a resource and wire up restful endpoints.
   * Uses {{#crossLink "Router/_buildRoute:method"}}_buildRoute{{/crossLink}} to
   * normalize the path and builds your 5 basic CRUD endpoints
   * @method resource
   * @param {String} name the resource name in singular form
   * @param {Object} options resource mapping options
   * @param {String} options.namespace mount the resource endpoint under a namespace
   * @example
   * ```javascript
   * () {
   *   this.resource("user");
   *   // Optionally prefix this resource with a namespace
   *   this.resource("user", { namespace: "api" })
   * });
   * ```
  resource(name, options = {}) {
    name = inflect.singularize(name);
    const registry = getOwner(this);
    let controller;

    try {
      controller = registry.lookup(`controller:${name}`);
    } catch (err) {
      controller = {};

      for (const [action] of restActionMapper) {
        controller[action] = registry.lookup(`controller:${name}.${action}`);
        controller.__children = true;

    for (const [action] of restActionMapper) {
      let controllerInstance = controller;
      let method = action;

      if (controller.__children) {
        controllerInstance = controller[action];
        method = "model";
        options.action = action;

      this._mapControllerAction(name, controllerInstance, method, options);

   * Register a single route.
   * Uses {{#crossLink "Router/_buildRoute:method"}}_buildRoute{{/crossLink}} to
   * normalize the path
   * @method route
   * @param {String} path the route path (e.g. /foo/bar)
   * @param {Object} options
   * @param {String} options.using colon delimited controller method identifier
   * @param {String} options.method http method
   * @example
   * ```javascript
   * () {
   *   this.route("/user/foo", { using: "users:foo", method: "get" });
   * });
   * ```
  route(path, options) {
    const app = getOwner(this).lookup("service:server");
    const [controllerName, actionName] = options.using.split(":");
    let action, controller;

    try {
      action = actionName;
      controller = getOwner(this).lookup(`controller:${controllerName}`);
    } catch (err) {
      controller = getOwner(this).lookup(`controller:${controllerName}.${actionName}`);
      action = "model";

    let method = options.method;
    const handlers = this._generateControllerHandlers(controller, action);

    if (method === METHODS.DELETE) { method = "del"; }

    app[method](path, handlers);

   * Consistently builds a route from a set of path segments using
   * {{#crossLink "Route"}}Route{{/crossLink}}
   * @method _buildRoute
   * @private
   * @return {Object} route object with path property
  _buildRoute() {
    return new Route(...arguments);

   * generates main route handler plus pre and post hooks
   * @private
   * @method _generateControllerHandlers
   * @param {Object} controller
   * @param {String} action controller method
   * @return {Array} handlers
  _generateControllerHandlers(controller, action) {
    const controllerAction = controller[action];
    const { hooks } = controller;
    const handlers = [controllerAction.bind(controller)];

    if (hooks) {
      this._registerLegacyControllerHooks(controller, action, hooks, handlers);
    } else if (controller.beforeModel || controller.afterModel) {
      this._registerControllerHooks(controller, handlers);

    return handlers;

   * Generates a path segment from a given resource name
   * @private
   * @method _getPathSegment
   * @param resource
   * @param action
   * @returns {String} pathSegment (e.g. `:userId`)
  _getPathSegment(resource, action) {
    const restPathSegment = restPathMapper.get(action);
    const resourceSegmentString = `${resource}Id`;

    return inflect.camelize(
      restPathSegment.replace("id", resourceSegmentString)

   * loads controllers from the loader
   * @private
   * @method _loadControllers
  _loadControllers() {
    const controllerLoader = getOwner(this).lookup("loader:controller");
    const modelLoader = getOwner(this).lookup("loader:model");
    const { modules: controllers } = controllerLoader;
    const { modules: models } = modelLoader;
    const registry = getOwner(this);

    Object.keys(controllers).forEach(controller => {
      const Klass = controllers[controller];

      if (Object.keys(Klass).length) {
        /* eslint-disable arrow-body-style */
        const Klasses = Object.keys(Klass).map(action => ({
          Klass: Klass[action],
          name: action
        /* eslint-enable arrow-body-style */

        Klasses.forEach(subClass => {
          const instance = new subClass.Klass(getOwner(this), {
            parent: controller

          registry.register(`controller:${controller}.${}`, instance);
      } else {
        const instance = new Klass(getOwner(this));
        const instanceName = inflect.singularize(;

        registry.register(`controller:${instanceName}`, instance);

    Object.keys(models).forEach(model => {
      const instanceName = inflect.singularize(model);
      const serializer = this._lookupSerializer(instanceName);

      registry.register(`serializer:${instanceName}`, serializer);

   * Attempts to lookup a serializer by 'name' in the module loader. If one exists
   * it is instantiated and registered by 'name'. If one does not exist the
   * default JSONSerializer is instantiated and registered.
   * @method _lookupSerializer
   * @private
   * @param {String} name lowercase singular lookup name (e.g. "user")
   * @return {Object} serializer instance
  _lookupSerializer(name) {
    const serializerLoader = getOwner(this).lookup("loader:serializer");

    if (!serializerLoader) {
      return new JSONSerializer();

    const { modules: serializers } = serializerLoader;
    const Serializer = serializers[name];
    let serializer;

    if (Serializer) {
      serializer = new Serializer();
    } else {
      serializer = new JSONSerializer();

    return serializer;

   * maps a resource controller action and route
   * @private
   * @method _mapControllerAction
   * @param {String} resource the resource name
   * @param {Object} controller the resource controller
   * @param {String} action the controller method
   * @param {Object} options mapping options
  _mapControllerAction(resource, controller, action, options) {
    const actionForPath = action === "model" ? options.action : action;
    const app = getOwner(this).lookup("service:server");
    const handlers = this._generateControllerHandlers(controller, action);
    const method = restActionMapper.get(actionForPath);
    const namespace = options.namespace || "";
    const singularResource = inflect.singularize(resource);
    const pluralResource = inflect.pluralize(singularResource);
    const pathSegment = this._getPathSegment(singularResource, actionForPath);
    const resourcePath = this._buildRoute(

    app[method](resourcePath, handlers);

   * Registers controller beforeModel and afterModel hooks
   * @method _registerControllerHooks
   * @private
   * @param {Object} controller {{#crossLink "Controller"}}controller{{/crossLink}}
   * @param {Array} handlers restify request handlers
  _registerControllerHooks(controller, handlers) {
    if (controller.beforeModel) {

    if (controller.afterModel) {

   * Registers legacy controller before/after hooks
   * @method _registerLegacyControllerHooks
   * @private
   * @param {Object} controller {{#crossLink "Controller"}}controller{{/crossLink}}
   * @param {String} action controller action type (index, create, update, etc)
   * @param {Array} handlers restify request handlers
  _registerLegacyControllerHooks(controller, action, hooks, handlers) {
    const actionHooks = hooks[action];

    if (actionHooks && actionHooks.before) {

    if (actionHooks && actionHooks.after) {

   * configures router resources
   * @static
   * @param {Object} settings
   * @param {Function} callback called with the router instance
   * @return {undefined}
  static map(registry, callback) {
    const router = new Router(registry);;
    return router;

export default Router;